Thanks to The Institution I have definitely been moving. With all the different options in classes no way can I get bored. They have been kinda slow because of the holiday but its been a bonus for me as I get the individualized attention. Maybe that's why I can hardly walk today.....Thanks Paul and Jennifer. Anyway, it's getting my year started off right.They offer personalized training and nutritional support. And, the best part is they make you feel like family. Check it out. They much more than what I can explain here.
I would like shave off 10 to 12 lbs while I'm working out to get that cutting edge feel. So I'm doing a double whammy with workouts and food plan.I decided to jump back on a round of hCG Activator for this month and see if I can rock this out. I lost a over 60lbs with this eating program and I feel good about using it again. You know, if you ever want to see me in action I'm a success coach for this product on FaceBook. Meet the whole community and see for yourself how this works.
Its 2014 Give it all you got!