I had a moment in our local grocery store the day before Easter. I had to go Easter basket shopping for my boys and this was a true test of eating clean and not falling victim to Holiday splurges.
Our store is remodeling and it's just a mess right now so all the Easter candy was on big pallets in narrow rows by the baby stuff. Tall mounds of candy on wooden pallets line up. Must have been 10 pallets of everything you can imagine at eye level. The choices of what you can spend your money on are overwhelming.
I paced back and forth trying to decide what candy to get for my boys without being overboard and having it lay around the house for me to snack on. I tossed in what I thought was appropriate and moved on. I halted by a pile of assorted candies and I heard little voice in my head say Not so quietly " ya know, you could easily buy a single pack of candy, the ones that are 10 for $5.00 and eat it before you get home. No one would know." Amazing how the voices work. I hesitated, walked back and forth wondering if I should. I decided that I would finish my shopping first before I make a hasty decision on candy. I went over to the produce section for tomatoes to put on our dinner salad. They looked amazingly red and it brought back memories of eating fresh tomatoes out of the garden. All the bright colored fruits and vegetables looked so vibrate and inviting. I grabbed a couple bunches and never went back to the candy aisle but directly to the checkout.
As I was putting the groceries in the back of my car, I decided to enjoy one on the way home. I ate two as a matter of fact and thought for a second how I beat that little voice in my head. Much better choice.