The Chicken Lady

The Chicken Lady

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Because Today is a New Day

I get it that everyone says goodbye to the old year and hello to a new one. It's great that we set goals, have dreams and really strive to be better people. But, when it comes to food and exercise wouldn't it be better to say good bye bad days and start fresh with a new day EACH morning?
When it comes to food and exercise, each of you has the power to eat right or to not eat right. Granted we have a lot of influencing factors but it boils down to you!. What I have learned over my weight loss transformation is that every time I have a bad or so- so day with my food or exercise choices, I don't beat myself up about it. I simply recognize it, drink more water and call it a day knowing that I have a chance to start all over again tomorrow. Embrace each day.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Kicking the tires on theHoliday

It's almost over. The cocktails, the cookies & candy, the work parties and always the calming family gatherings. And, most of all the fancy dressing up you are expected to do. Don't get me wrong I love dressing up but it's not a win win situation.You want to find that perfect little holiday dress but you already feel bloated from falling off the wagon a week ago. How are you suppose to feel pretty when you have to wear an elastic waistband with your high heels?
Instead of trying to go cold turkey January 2nd. and inevitably hating it. Give yourself some time to detox. I decided that this week that I'm going to start cleaning up my  eating and moving a bit more. I'll record all my food and surround myself all things that clean and healthy. That way, I didn't go cold turkey and my body will be prepared for what I need to do and then maybe it won't hate me so much. Think of it this way, you want to avoid sticker shock right? . Walk around kick the tires a bit and prepare yourself. Anyone changing habits knows that it's a hellva of a ride getting back into the driver seat or eating. Remember there is no race to the finish line, enjoy the ride.